Improv Mode

Improv Mode: 2+ Players (2-8)

This gameplay Mode uses the Intentional Mod, Magick Mod or Signifier Mod.

Use this gameplay Mode to develop your acting improvisation skills.

  1. Together, decide which FoF deck you all will be using, and if you will be playing with the Intentional Mod, Magick Mod, or Signifier Mod.
  2. One player volunteers to be the GM.
  3. The GM shuffles the Situation Cards and draws one Situation Card and selects a prompt according to the agreed Mod.
  4. The GM shows the card and reads the prompt to the other players.
  5. The GM shuffles the Topic Cards and deals as many Topic Cards to each player (and themselves) as the corresponding number next to the Situation Prompt in play.
  6. Each player/actor gets one Topic Prompt from each card that they were dealt to direct their improv and the character they are playing within the chosen Situation Prompt, the Topic Prompt is determined by which Mod the group is playing, Intentional or Magick. Players do not have to use all of the cards that they were dealt, but they must use at least one prompt.
  7. Players should try to memorize their Topic Prompts for the improv scene, but they can keep their cards in hand or nearby to remind themselves.
  8. The GM starts the improv gameplay, then all other players can step into the Situation as they choose. 
  9. Play out the Situation for up to 20 minutes, then wrap up and complete the scene. That’s a round!
  10. To play another round, another player volunteers to be GM, then gameplay starts over at Step 1. 
  11. (Optional) To play a Harold, play three rounds, then revisit each round twice.