Conversation Mode: 2+ Players (2-8)
Play this gameplay Mode with any of the Mods!
This gameplay Mode is the quickest and most accessible. Players use the Topic Cards to prompt meaningful conversations.
- First choose which FoF deck(s) and Mod(s) you will be playing with.
- The player with the birthday that is the soonest starts first.
- The player whose turn it is shuffles the Topic Cards and then draws one. They then select between the Topic Prompts according to which Mod they are playing with.
- The player who drew the card then either directs the Topic Prompt at another player to answer, or answers it for themselves. If a player directs the Topic Prompt to another player, that player should ask that Topic Prompt back to the player that directed it to them.
- After the Topic Prompt is answered, the card is returned to the Topic Cards.
- The Topic Cards are given to the player clockwise, who then repeats Steps 3-5.
- Repeat Steps 3-6 until continues until no longer desired.