In-depth Mode

In-depth Mode: 2-6 Players

This gameplay mode is played with the Intentional Mod and the Feedback Mod.

This gameplay Mode is the deepest and most involved Mode. It is intended to help players improve their play and connection with other players and involves communicating your boundaries, personal preferences, and giving and receiving feedback.

The In-depth Mode is meant to mimic and encourage in-depth conversations. The Game Master (GM) starts a conversation with a Situation Prompt then personally explores the situation themselves. They then get feedback from the other player(s), then they ask the other player(s) how they would play the situation and then feedback is exchanged. Then they explore how they might do it together. To push the conversation further, players tie topics to the situation and tell stories, the GM prompts the other player(s) first to answer before giving their own take. Then other players tie in topics to the situation, everyone getting a chance to ask prompts and give answers and input for every topic.

  1. Print off Character Sheets (each player gets 1 character sheet for every other player). If players already have Character Sheets for other players they should use those.
  2. The player whose upcoming birthday is closest, or the player who is most familiar with FoF, plays as the Game Master (GM) for the first round.
  3. The GM should separate the Situation and Topic Cards and then shuffle each separately. Then draw one Situation Card.
  4. The GM chooses one of the two Situation Prompts and lays that card down for the other player(s) to see with the chosen prompt upright, and then reads the prompt they chose aloud.
  5. The GM then describes how they would personally play out the Situation Prompt they’ve chosen.
  6. The other Player(s) will award (or subtract) Experience Points up to the number for the Situation Prompt on their Character Sheets for the GM and note what they learned about the GM there as well.
  7. The player clockwise to the GM should tell the GM the Experience Points they awarded/subtracted them and provide Feedback as to why. Give the GM a chance to reply to Feedback. Other players then do the same, awarding Experience Points and giving Feedback, moving clockwise, until it comes back to the GM.
  8. Next, the player clockwise to the GM will describe their take on the Situation Prompt and how they would play it. Again record Experience Points and share as indicated in Step 7 and provide Feedback. Repeat this process for all other players until everyone has played the Situation Prompt, has given each other Experience Points and Feedback to each players answer.
  9. Now that you’ve all had a chance to talk about the Situation Prompt individually and hear feedback, collectively discuss and make a decision about how you all would choose to play the Situation Prompt together, if possible.
  10. The GM now draws Topic Cards for the Situation Prompt you are all playing. They can draw up to the number next to the Situation Prompt they have chosen. The GM should then select Topic Prompts from the Topic Cards drawn that can be related to the Situation Prompt. Only one Topic Prompt from each Topic Card can be played.
  11. The GM plays one Topic Prompt for the other player(s) to see with the chosen Topic Prompt upright and then reads the prompt they have chosen. Direct this prompt at all of the other players. Starting with the player clockwise to the GM, they should answer the Topic Prompt. Answers should try to relate Topic Prompts back to the Situation Prompt.
  12. Once they have finished answering, moving clockwise from the player that answered, the other players share the Experience Points they gave and provide Feedback.
  13. Have all other players answer the Topic Prompt, awarding Experience Points and giving Feedback from all other players after each answer, until every player has answered the Topic Prompt.
  14. Now the GM can offer their own answer to the Topic Prompt they played, and receive Experience Points and Feedback. Now it’s a conversation! IMPORTANT: If someone chooses to not answer, they don’t have to. But, if you have directed a Topic Prompt at another player and they respond and then you choose to NOT answer this yourself, you are subject to the awarding/subtracting of Experience Points, risking fewer points or losing points. If you ask a question of someone, you should be willing to answer it yourself. If a player wants to subtract points for a Topic Prompt they chose not to answer, they must provide Feedback. 
  15. Rinse and repeat Steps 12-15 for as many Topic Prompts as the GM wants to play, up to the number indicated by the Situation Prompt in play.
  16. The player clockwise to them then draws Topic Cards for the Situation Prompt as indicated previously and plays Topic Prompts one at a time just as before (and other players award/subtract Experience Points / give Feedback).
  17. Repeat Step 16 until everyone involved in the Situation Prompt has had a chance to draw Topic Cards and play Topic Prompts up to the number indicated by the Situation Prompt in play.
  18. Return played cards to each deck.
  19. Want to keep at it? Have someone else become the GM and start the process over at Step 3.

    Save those Character Sheets for the future so you can pick up where you left off, keep accumulating Experience Points and continue the process of getting to know one another.