“It’s Poker Night” Mode

“It’s Poker-Night” Mode: 3+ Players (3-8)

This gameplay Mode can be played with either the Magick Mod or Intentional Mod

In this gameplay Mode, the “dealer” directs the game, and is also a player. Like poker, there is more risk in this mode, because of the use of the word “must.” Don’t bet if you’re not willing to pay the price.

  1. Pick a dealer. It is helpful if the “dealer” (aka. Game Master/GM) is already familiar with FoF.
  2. Decide if you are playing with the Magick Mod or Intentional Mod.
  3. The dealer shuffles the Situation Cards and draws one Situation Card. Based on which Mod is being played, read aloud the Situation Prompt that will be played. 
  4. The dealer then shuffles and deals to each player from the Topic Cards the number of cards indicated next to the Situation Prompt. This means players (and the dealer) will receive either two or four cards.
  5. Going clockwise from the dealer, each player (and the dealer) takes turns playing one Topic Card, playing the Topic Prompt within the Situation Prompt. If unhappy with the Topic Prompts they may redraw all but one at the beginning of each of their turns.  When playing the card they have three options:
  • Play the card for themselves.. (“I’m calling.”)
  • Play it to another player… (“I’m raising.”)
  • Play it for the entire table! (“I’m going all in!”)
  • A player may choose to exit the round at any time. (“I fold.”)
  • Note: However, if a player asks another player or the entire table, they must also answer it themselves!

6. Proceed playing as few or as many Topic Cards until all cards dealt or that have been redrawn have been played.