Lightning Mode

Lightning Mode: 2+ Players (2-8)

Play with this gameplay Mode with the Intentional Mod.  

In this gameplay Mode, players together choose the prompts for play and then share their individual stories based off those prompts.

  1. The player whose birthday is closest is the Game Master (GM).
  2. The GM shuffles the Situation Cards, then draws one card.
  3. The GM shows the card to the other players and reads the prompts out loud.
  4. Everyone agrees on which prompt to play and the card is laid down with the chosen prompt upright.
  5. The GM shuffles and then draws as many Topic Cards as the number indicated next to the Situation Prompt chosen.
  6. The GM divides the Topic Cards evenly among all the players, who then select which prompt to use in that Situation. If there are more players than Topic Cards drawn, players should get into smaller groups and decide which Topic Prompts to play.
  7. Once Topic Prompts are chosen, lay the cards down with the chosen prompts upright.
  8. Each player then takes a turn discussing as many of those Topic Prompts within the context of the Situation Prompt as they like, going clockwise from the GM.
  9. Once every player has gone, including the GM, the player clockwise to the original GM becomes the new GM and gameplay starts over at Step 2.