Multi Player Player Gameplay Modes

First Time Playing FoF?

If this is your first time playing FoF, we suggest you start first with the Single Player Gameplay Mode “Get To Know FoF Mode.” This gives you an opportunity to get to know the Topic Cards and feel more comfortable answering them, first to yourself before you do to others.

If this is your first time playing FoF with two or more players, we suggest starting with the Gameplay Mode “Conversation Mode” with the Signifier Mod. As you become more comfortable with the game and each other, challenge yourselves by changing to the Intentional Mod or Magick Mod, and/or adding the Feedback Mod to this Gameplay Mode. When you want to introduce Situation Cards into play, we suggest starting with either “GM Mode” or “Lightning Mode.”

Conversation Mode: 2+ Players (2-8)

This gameplay Mode is the quickest and most accessible. Players use the Topic Card Prompts to prompt meaningful conversations.

Lightning Mode: 2+ Players (2-8)

In this gameplay Mode, players together choose the prompts for play and then share their individual stories based off of shared prompts.

GM Directed Mode: 2+ Players (2-8)

In this gameplay Mode, one player (the GM) picks the prompts for play.

“It’s Poker-Night” Mode: 3+ Players (3-8)

In this gameplay Mode, the “dealer” directs the game, and is also a player. Like poker, there is more risk in this mode, because of the use of the word “must.” Don’t bet if you’re not willing to pay the price.

(Loosely) Scripted Mode: 2+ Players (2-8)

Use Fellowship of Fools to intentionally explore a prompt together, loosely scripting the conversation or story.

Multiplayer User Manual Mode: 2+ Players (2-6)

This gameplay Mode is based off the podcast Polyamory Weekly’s exercise for creating a “user manual” for yourself and sharing with others to help each other understand individual preferences, history, quirks, and how each likes to be treated.

Signifier Mode: 2+ Players (2-8)

Use Fellowship of Fools to intentionally explore a specific Prompt (Situation or Topic) with other players.

In-depth Mode: 2+ Players (2-6)

This gameplay Mode is the deepest and most involved Mode. It is intended to help players improve their play and connection with other players. It involves communicating boundaries, personal preferences, and giving and receiving feedback.

RPG Mode: 1 GM and 3-8 Players

This gameplay Mode is meant to guide players through a lighter version of a Roleplaying Game.

Embodying Each Other Mode: 2+ Players (up to 16)

This gameplay Mode is loosely based off of Narrative 4’s model for personal story exchange where individuals share personal stories and then tell their partner’s story.

Improv Mode: 2+ Players (2-8)

Use this gameplay Mode to develop your acting improvisation skills.

Multiplayer Tarot Mode: 2 Players (+ optional spectators)

Use Fellowship of Fools as a Tarot Deck and learn how to do a Tarot Reading.